sunnuntai 8. joulukuuta 2013

21 days


We started the last blog entry by telling you that we have been planning this trip for a while now (that being 6-7 months). The reality is that even though we've been planning this in our heads, we really have no idea what is going to happen when we go there. We have yet no place to stay for the first days and don't know what we will do in the new years besides partying on the beach (HAHA!).

This causes us a "slight" amount of stress.

To relieve this stress we are now going to tell you all the things we have checked off our list since last time we wrote.


I have taken or started taking all my vaccinations (typhoid fever has to be taken 10 days before the trip). I bought the Fjällraven Kajka and I love it! I have a sleeping bag that I'm testing. Probably buying a new one though. I tried to apply for a credit card, but I don't know did I do it the right way, so I have to call my bank tomorrow. Travel insurance stuff I'm going to do when I go home for the holidays. So I'm pretty much ready... right?


Sanni visited Berlin Germany and had the best steak of her life! While being in Berlin she visited a nice doctor who gave her the typhoid fever shot so she wouldn't have to take the lemon-sized pills that are the only option in Finnland. Everything else is under control. She has a credit card, travel insurance, new hiking boots etc. The only thing is that she has forgotten to contact her Brasilian friends. But that's just a small problem...right?

But hey, we both have sub-rented our rooms in Jyväskylä! That's something.
To be honest, we have so much to do and no time at all.

In this entry we were supposed to tell you about our routeplans, but well... we haven't really made any progress in that area. So now we are just posting photos about the stuff we want to see.


Araxá, Sanni's home town in Minas Gerais

Foz do Iguaçu

Tango in Argentina

Salt desert in Bolivia

Machu Picchu

Lake Titicaca

The equator in Ecuador

Sanni with Anneli's poncho and BABY LLAMAS <3
Three more weeks to go, so much stuff to do and people to say goodbye to. Be back soon(ish)!

2 kommenttia:

  1. puppelit!! hieno blogi. pitääpä seuraaman ku ei oo whatsappia YHYYY (oikeasti en ole suruinen.) tässä makuupussivinxu: t. lotta

  2. Voi ei! Ehdittiin jo ostaa pussit. Ihanaa olisi ollut kun olisi saanut yhdistettyä nuo pussit kylminä ikävöivinä öinä! :( No mutta näillä mennään. Savotan ultra light pussit ostettiin töistä.
